3 Tips For Moving To Your New Home In The Netherlands

New country, new home, and a new canvas to create memories on - an exciting prospect! Jordan Montgomery, founder of the home project facilitation company Nuspace, tells you what you need to consider once you have found your new home.

As you prepare to move into your new home and immerse yourself in the rich culture and scenic landscapes of the Netherlands, it's only natural to consider the potential challenges that lie ahead. Relocating to a new place usually comes with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

This article is here to guide you through the process, addressing the potential hurdles you may encounter and helping you embrace your new chapter with confidence.

1. Moving in and furnishing

Many homes in the Netherlands are unfurnished. Moving into such a property - with no curtains, carpets, or even a bed - can present a unique set of challenges for anyone, especially for expats relocating to a new country. The absence of basic furnishings can make settling in feel like a daunting task, and managing deliveries and installations can be particularly difficult when you're still trying to find your footing in an unfamiliar place.

Additionally, being physically present to oversee deliveries and let service providers into your new property can be difficult, especially if you have not yet arrived in the country. For example, the time zone difference and distance can create communication hurdles which prolong the process of making your new house feel like a home.

Many expats consider enlisting a third party to facilitate this process on their behalf, acting as a single point of contact, helping to fully prepare your new home for your arrival.

2. Renovations

Finding a trusted, reliable, and available builder and interior designer in the Netherlands proves to be difficult, particularly for expats who may face language barriers and a lack of local connections. Below are some of the challenges that you may face during this process:

Availability and scheduling

Highly sought-after builders and interior designers may have limited availability, leading to longer waiting times for their services. Coordinating their schedules to work together on a project may also be complicated.

Finding a reliable team

Finding both a trustworthy builder and a skilled interior designer who can collaborate effectively is essential for successful home projects. Coordinating between the two parties can be complex, especially if they have not worked together before.

Limited local knowledge

Expats may not be familiar with the Dutch construction and design industry matters, such as building regulations, interior design trends, and common practices. This lack of knowledge can make it difficult to evaluate the qualifications and capabilities of potential professionals.

Vetting trustworthiness and reliability

As newcomers, expats may find it challenging to assess the trustworthiness and reliability of builders and interior designers. It's crucial to ensure that they have a track record of delivering quality work and meeting deadlines.

Language and cultural barriers

For expats who are not fluent in Dutch, communicating effectively with local builders and interior designers may not be easy, leading to potential miscommunication and misunderstandings.

If even after doing all of these things you are struggling with your home, then perhaps you should consider asking for help from others.

3. Seek help from others

To overcome these challenges and find reputable professionals, expats can take the following steps:

  • Online research: Utilise online platforms and directories to find builders and interior designers in the Netherlands. Look for reviews, portfolios, and testimonials from previous clients to assess their credibility.
  • Seek recommendations: Tap into expat communities, forums, and social media groups and ask for recommendations from fellow expats who have worked with reliable builders and interior designers.
  • Utilise a facilitation company: Consider seeking assistance from home project facilitation agencies that can assemble a pre-vetted team of trusted professionals on your behalf and even manage the project if you do not have the time to be present.

Stay positive

In conclusion, moving to a new country and establishing a new home can be a thrilling adventure. Stay positive and open-minded, but don't overlook the importance of getting help. Balancing ambition with caution is key, seek assistance from professionals and locals to ensure a smooth transition. Embrace the change with enthusiasm, and with the right support, your relocation can be a positive and transformative experience. Happy moving!

Are you an expat transitioning to a new home and do you feel overwhelmed by the demands of the project? Contact the team at Nuspace (tel: +31 (0) 6 384 55755), who specialise in facilitating moves to make it a stress-free experience.


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