6 Tips: What To Do After A Job Interview

You prepared for the interview, updated your CV and you just had the most important conversation of your life. But how do you go about the next steps after your job interview? Undutchables recruitment agency gives us a few tips!

What some people don’t realise is that the post-interview process is as important as the interview itself. This process is an opportunity to reflect and to differentiate yourself from the competition. Here are six handy tips to help you with the follow-up of your job interview:

1. The follow-up

Remember to ask the recruiter or interviewer what their timeline is in regard to the decision-making. Whether they have other candidates lined up or a deadline for the position, it is important to know what the appropriate time is to follow up to avoid coming on too strong. Remember to also ask who you should follow up with and how.

2. Reflect

After all the prep work and the job interview itself, you finally have the time to unwind and relax. Go over the interview. What did you do right and what could have been said differently? Most importantly, what is the impression you got from the company? Do you see yourself working there? Does the company culture align with what you want? If the answer to these questions is a “yes”, great! If you do not believe that this company is a good fit, inform the interviewer. This saves both you and the hiring manager a lot of time.

3. Ask for feedback

If you are working with a recruitment agency, if possible, ask them to follow up with the company to provide you with timely feedback about your interview. This should be the standard process but in case it isn’t, it is always good to let the recruiter know what you expect from them.

4. Write a personal email

Always send a thank you mail after your interview, preferably on the same day (or the next morning, if the interview took place in the afternoon). Use this mail to recap the interview. If you have any additional questions you want to address, this is the time to do so. Remember to also thank your contact for their time and, most importantly, make your mail personal.

5. Respect the timeline

If you’ve received a timeline from the interviewer when to follow up, keep yourself to it and refrain from sending multiple emails to the interviewer. If you haven’t received specific information on when to follow up, a good rule of thumb is one week after the interview. This gives the hiring manager enough time to review all the applications.

6. Thank the hiring manager for their time

Regardless of the outcome of your candidacy, at the end of the process, always send a thank you mail to the hiring manager, thanking them for their time and consideration. This, of course, will not sway the decision but it shows character.

Do you need more tips on how to get ready for your job interview? Undutchables recruitment agency can assist you with your job interview as well as your job search. Visit their website to learn more!


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