A Levels Or IB: Which Choice Is Best For Your Child?

In this article, The British School of Amsterdam will provide a comparison of the A Levels and IB programme, exploring the unique features that each has to offer so that when deciding which route to take, it will help to make a more informed decision.

When faced with the decision between the British A Levels (Advanced Level) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, pupils encounter two distinct educational pathways. Both options offer rigorous curricula but each have distinctive learning styles.

Specialisation and flexibility

One of the standout features of A Levels is the opportunity for pupils to specialise in specific subjects, fostering a focused and personalised learning experience. For example, pupils may choose from a range of subjects in Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Languages and Mathematics. The flexibility to choose subjects aligns well with those who have specific interests and / or career goals.

The IB programme, on the other hand, promotes a wider approach by requiring pupils to study subjects from different disciplines, cultivating a broad understanding. The IB programme requires pupils to pick three higher-level subjects (HL) and three standard-level subjects (SL) across six subject groups. Pupils must also follow three compulsory components from the IB core.

Assessment structure

A Levels typically involve final exams, providing a concentrated evaluation at the end of the programme. This straightforward approach allows pupils to focus on mastering the material and showcasing their knowledge in their specialised areas.

Meanwhile, the IB programme employs a more varied assessment structure with continuous evaluation through methods such as coursework, internal assessments and final exams. 

Depth of study versus versatility

A Levels are known for their in-depth exploration of chosen subjects, allowing pupils to build a strong foundation in specific areas of interest. This depth can be beneficial for pupils who want to gain specialised knowledge before entering higher education.

In contrast, the IB programme emphasises versatility by requiring pupils to study subjects across various disciplines in combination with additional components.


University recognition

Both A Levels and IB are recognised by universities worldwide, but familiarity with each system may vary. A Levels' simplicity in grading, subject-specific expertise and long-standing reputation can be advantageous during university admissions.

Conversely, the IB programme's global perspective and commitment to intercultural understanding may appeal to institutions looking for a diverse student body. Ultimately, the recognition factor depends on the preferences and values of individual universities.

A personal decision

The decision between A Levels and the IB programme is a personal one, shaped by individual preferences, academic goals and learning styles. A Levels provide a specialised, focused approach, while the IB programme offers a broader perspective. Both options have their merits, and the key is to weigh these considerations against one's aspirations for a fulfilling senior school education.

If you are interested in learning more about The British School of Amsterdam, their Admissions Team are happy to help. You can book a visit or attend the Senior School Open Day on 6 March, 2024. You can contact the school by calling +31 020 679 7840 or by emailing [email protected].


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