How To Manage The Effects Of Stress

Martin Gregor and Martina Castelli from Chiropractic Connection offer holistic chiropractic care, tailored to each individual, in their office in Amsterdam Oud Zuid. In this article, they explain what chiropractic care entails.

So many of our clients come to us for the first time and explain how they’ve been to see “everyone” - from doctors to physios and all types of specialists in between - but nobody was able to help them to find a long-term solution to their health problem.

Chiropractors take a completely different view to your health. Rather than focusing on a specific symptom or one dysfunctional part of the body, they look at you as a whole human being, trying to navigate your way through life. Their goal is to help you be the best version of yourself that you can be.

We all react to stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life that affects each of us in many different ways. When that stress continues too long, our body does its best to adapt or compensate, but this adaptation can result in a lot of changes to the normal function of our body. This can result in a wide variety of symptoms and conditions. For one person that might be headaches and migraines, and another might experience back pain. Other symptoms could include IBS and digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, infertility, anxiety or depression, brain fog or fatigue. We all react to stress, but how our bodies express that is unique to each individual.

The three main categories of stress

There are three main categories of stress that we each encounter in our daily lives:

Physical stress

Physical stress ranges from a slow accumulation of tension from postural imbalances, from our habits in how we sit, stand, sleep and use technology to acute traumas like car accidents, bike falls, sports injuries and concussions.

Chemical stress

Chemical stress includes pollution, toxins, poor diet, food intolerances, dehydration, drugs, medication, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and hormonal imbalances.

Mental and emotional stress

Mental / emotional stress can come from things such as negative self-talk, worrying, work deadlines, an argument with a friend or partner, changing jobs, moving house or country, or the loss of a loved one.

How human bodies respond to stress

Our body responds to these different types of stress in a coordinated manner. First, it creates a state of alarm. Then, it tries to adapt to the stress by altering our physiology. If it’s unable to adapt, it reaches exhaustion.

The alarm state triggers a change in our brain to be more alert or on edge, to be prepared for danger, and a release of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This puts us into fight or flight mode.

In our body, this results in an increased heart rate, raised blood pressure and changes in our sugar metabolism with the purpose of increasing the blood flow of nutrients and energy to our muscles, so that we can fight the danger or run away.

Our energy is diverted away from our digestive, immune and reproductive systems. When we’re in danger, we don’t need to digest food, fight a cold or make babies - we need to survive. This is intended to be a short-term response that goes back to normal once the danger has passed and we’re safe.

Repeated stress response

Problems arise when our alarm system keeps being triggered, causing these compensation mechanisms to be overextended. This happens all too often in a busy, modern lifestyle. Work deadlines, family pressure, sedentary posture, poor diet, and an endless stream of news and social media can all continue to trigger the stress response.

When our mind and body are unable to return to safety and switch the alarm off, our system does its best to adapt to the stress so that we can survive until the danger passes. It does this by altering our normal physiology, resulting in longer-term changes to our posture, such as increased muscle tension, hormonal imbalances and altered metabolism. Our brain is also affected, which can result in anxiety, insomnia and problems maintaining focus.

After chronic periods in this state of a repeated stress response, our adrenal system becomes exhausted, leading to chronic fatigue, depression and more serious conditions.

What chiropractic care can do for you when it comes to stress

All of these responses to stress and changes in our physiology and health are controlled by our brain and nerve system. Chiropractic care helps your body unwind these different layers of stress from your body that have accumulated through your life and calm the stress response, allowing your body to return to a natural state of balance and ease so that you can heal.

Your body is extremely clever; it’s always doing its best to help you survive. Whenever you experience a stress symptom, think about what your body is trying to tell you. What does your body need? How can you take better care of your body, so that it can find its natural balance and ease? When you give it the rest, care and nutrients it needs, it has an amazing ability to heal and regenerate.

Part of the process for chiropractors is helping you to identify the habits and factors in your life that are triggering your stress response and causing your health problems. They can teach you the tools and techniques to give your body what it needs, not only to heal and repair, but also to thrive so you can be your best as a parent, partner, in your work and in your sports and hobbies.

Martin Gregor and Martina Castelli would love to welcome you to their office in Amsterdam Oud Zuid, where they’ve curated a unique healing environment. Their caring and passionate team can assist you on your journey to better health and well-being. For more information, check their website or call the practice: 0640569731.


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