How To Market Your Business The Way You Want

Formulas, blueprints, and funnels, oh my! As business owners, we get bombarded with messages about how to make a ton of money if only we would listen to the person who has finally cracked the code. Because if it works for them, it will work for you. La, la, la, la, la.

The truth is that there isn’t only one path. There are many, many roads and modes of transportation that will take you to the place you want to go in your business. Since the beginning of my business (all the way back in 2002), I have always advocated for a tailored approach to marketing. Because everyone is different and has unique experiences, skills, and preferences they bring to the table.

What lights you up is probably not the same thing that makes your fellow entrepreneurs tick. That is why it is imperative for you to follow your own direction when choosing your marketing strategies. Select only the ones that truly illuminate who you are and what your business offers. It’s your business, you get to choose what works for you.

You have the freedom to design your marketing so that you harness your strengths. Forcing yourself to do things that are not aligned with who you are and what you stand for is not sustainable. And it’s not fun. When you consciously choose your marketing strategies, you will actually do them - and you may even enjoy it!

Create the perfect marketing plan for you

Here are five ideas on how to show up on your terms and get you started on the journey to creating a marketing plan that is a perfect fit for you.

1) Show up the way you want

Maybe you love writing and want to share your message that way. Or it could be that you prefer talking. Voice is hot right now and one advantage is that you don’t need to be camera ready to take action. Video might be your jam, whether you’re in front of the camera or not. Perhaps you love a combination of these options. The possibilities are endless.

2) Show up where you want

You don’t have to do everything (newsletter, podcast, blog) and be on every single social media channel. You want to take action that is a match for you and also show up where your ideal clients are. Choose one or two options and go deep.

3) Show up how you want

Meeting in real-time, in-person (or live on Zoom) is not the only way to connect with prospects. There are so many ways to communicate and provide value. Live voice, recorded voice, live video, recorded video, text (email, WhatsApp, Voxer). You can create a mix of alternatives to promote your business. 

4) Show up when you want

Yes, consistency is important with marketing, so if you send out your newsletter once a year that probably isn’t going to do much for you. Having said that, you can be consistent and still allow for flexibility. What does that look like? For example, you could commit to sending out your newsletter once a month but be flexible about which week you do it. Or you could decide to post twice a week on LinkedIn but instead of specific days, you could choose those days based on your schedule each week.

5) Show up for who you want

So after you keep showing up on your own terms, sharing helpful information and the results of working with you, people will reach out to you. You are not required to schedule time and talk to everyone who wants to talk to you. This does not mean you are rude or ignore people. Of course, you respond to all of your messages. What it does mean is that you are clear about the people you are best able to serve and you are able to identify who they are. And when you do identify them, you are happy to connect with them and learn more.

But if you spend time with anyone who asks, you will not have time left for the people who are the best fit for you. It’s crucial that you set your boundaries and say no when that is the right move. And don’t forget, if it’s not a fit, you’re also saving time for the person who is asking. It’s a win for both of you!

You are in charge

Are you starting to feel more in control and dare I say joyful about what your marketing can look like? Set aside some time and look at everything you’re doing and decide what will stay, what will go, and what needs to be added. Remember, you are in charge of your business and how you market it. When it feels right, you will do it consistently and your clients will connect with your messages. This also means you’re making a bigger impact and creating a profitable and sustainable business.


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