Remote Work And Self-care: The Place You Work And Live

Working from home remotely has become the new norm. Sometimes, separating home-life from work-life can be challenging, particularly when working from small living spaces with no extra room or office to work in.

So, how can you manage to work remotely while creating the healthiest environment for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being? Here are a few self-care tips that may help to create your flexible workspace:

Your office at home

Whether it is a workstation or even better, a separate room, be sure to create a space that is as separate from the rest of the house as possible. No matter how small your living space is, do not work everywhere, because this will make you work beyond work hours. Instead, you want to maintain a distinct mental separation of your home and associate each room or corner of your living place with its own function. When you are in your “smart place”, you will be able to keep out distractions and concentrate better, and when you step away from your work area, it will be easier to relax, rest, and recharge.

Brighten your day

When working from home, the optimal solution would be to have a room / studio to dedicate completely to your home office. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Small houses and tight spaces do not allow it. Choose a corner in a well-lit room and if you could place your desk near a window that would be perfect!

Having a well-illuminated office / desk by natural light produces several positive effects on your well-being: better quality and duration of sleep, greater predisposition to physical activity, prevent eyestrain and, in general, increased quality of life. Therefore, it is not just an extra boost to your mood, but also to the health and function of your metabolism and naturally, you work even better.

Life is in the air

The indoor air can be even more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors. This is due to VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) released for example, from non-organic cleaning products, or some materials used to manufacture furniture, or solvents and paints. Also, carbon dioxide, when it accumulates, can compromise our ability to concentrate and work efficiently.

The solution? Increase ventilation by opening doors and windows at least three times a day for 10-15 minutes. This is also the best practice to protect from viruses and bacteria. Living in a healthier and more comfortable environment improves mood and quality of life, and reduces the risk of complaints, such as headaches, eyestrain, and feeling of tiredness or drop in concentration.

Declutter your workspace as often as possible

Always find time to declutter your workspace especially if you live in a small place. It is much better to manage the little space you have effectively as a home and office than to completely turn your whole living space into an office, a clean and clear workspace can reduce your stress, help you focus, and also keep work from interfering with your home / personal life.

Sense of smell

When working remotely, some of the most common complaints are decreased attention and performance, as well as mood swings, which often have an effect on the quality of sleep. The ability to smell comes from the olfactory sensory neurons, these cells connect directly to the brain. This is a reason why essential oils can be a very valid help: it is sufficient to have a diffuser where you add from 5 to 7 drops of a chosen essence.

Essential oils of lemon (Citrus limon) and peppermint (Mentha X piperita) stimulate attention and memory. If you are down, or you are particularly nervous and cannot concentrate, you can use the other citrus essential oils that stimulate endorphins, our natural morphine, such as sweet orange essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. dulcis). If you have difficulty relaxing and sleeping in the evening, you can use lavender essential oil (Lavandula hybrida).

A better work-life balance

It does not matter if you have been working from home for some time or just recently. These self-care tips for remote working can apply to anyone looking for better ways to manage their lives, time and have a better work-life balance. Your home and workspace is an extension of your energy field, by taking care of it, you are a step further away from physical and mental complaints, and a step closer to your well-being, and when you feel good, your relationships and work benefit from it.


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